All Roads Lead to the CCIE Certification Exam

After about a year of preparation, I finally got the perfect ending, and I want to write feedbackand some summaryof experience,as well asthanks teachers and classmatesfor their bits of help.It is anincentivehelpfor yourself.
Its really hard toclear theCCIEcertification exam. Its hard to start skeptical about life, and the final result is perfect, and the familys support is indispensable.
The following content is mainly divided into two parts, the first part is my feedback for passing the CCIE exam, the second part is my summary of the learning experience.Hope to help everyone.
My package is TS2 D3 H3, the overall is relatively smooth. And it isthe same practice as usualin accordance withthequestions and answersof EveDumps
The law can pass the exam without any scruples. I want to focus on thanking the teacher. Almost every time I answer the questions, I am very timely.
I am also very caring. Before the exam, I just learned that Lao Dong was also taking the test on the same day. The day before, we met and exchanged ideas.
I am very grateful to Lao Dong for his experience in providing a test. Lao Dong also asked me to eat steak. The next day in the examination room
At the door, the two of us smiled and pretended not to know each other, and then started the exam. When I have lunch at noon, there is a Candidates from Cisco in Italy went out and smoked a cigarette.
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