DevOps Training for Database Management has 5 Enterprise Benefits

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With the focus getting stronger on developing products quicker and shortening the release cycles, companies are increasingly moving towards the incorporation of cloud, mobility, and DevOps technology for better results. Speaking of DevOps, the technology is helping enterprises automate their delivery pipelines and consistently integrate and deploy applications in a seamless manner. Given the rising demand, DevOps Research and Assessment (DORA) stressed on the need for data management in its 2018 State of DevOps report. The report explains how DevOps technology is a solution to support agile development practices more effectively. As it stands, several enterprises are looking to acquire DevOps as a service and join with a DevOps partner in order to automate several of their delivery pipelines, establish a one-click deployment, cater the workload migration and provide support with a comprehensive strategy. This is why professionals are advised to pursue relevant DevOps training for database management in order to learn to learn how they can benefit their IT teams and companies. Here are the organizational level benefits that IT professionals can provide through the incorporation of DevOps processes.

Enhanced build quality

As we know, DevOps aims to bridge the gap between the operations and development processes, create an environment that facilitates information sharing, and allow teams to refine the build quality. The technology tempts different kinds of teams to conduct regular exclusive code reviews in order to improve the code maintainability. It also brings closer both dev-based attributes including features, performance, and reusability along with ops-based attributes like deploy-ability and maintainability to improve the entire code quality. Various tests in the distribution of deployment frequency, deployment lead time and mean time to recover (MTTR) indicates that the DevOps technology also improves testing, besides acquiring a better initial code quality. One of the primary aims of DevOps is to shift the mindset of enterprises for continuous delivery improvement, hence, becoming a major turning point for code quality and stability.

Accelerated application delivery through agile

DevOps uses disciplined agile delivery as a standard process for creating software and applications. When we talk about the traditional software release methods, it was often examined that the development personnel first started the process by creating the code and then tested it in an isolated system, from there on the operations team took over for production purposes. While the nonexistence of synchronization between the two teams gave way for various complications and misperceptions, due to the fact that they aren’t aligned related to configuration, deployment, log management, and performance handling. Consequently, such issues then lead to a slower production process. While the DevOps technology permits the teams to speed up the delivery and cut down the release time. This calls for early entrance in the market and staying ahead of their competitors. Furthermore, DevOps also potentially catches early errors. Therefore, leading to quick fixes and ensures the code is always ready for release. Eventually, tempting organizations to invest their time and talent resources more on innovation at the hands of stable operating environments.

Better application reliability

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DevOps processes automate the complete delivery pipeline that helps IT personnel to reduce the effects and shortcomings of configuration management, version control, continuous integration, and continuous performance monitoring. The idea is to refine the application quality and limit time-consuming, tedious, and error-prone manual procedures. Automation tends to increase application authenticity due to less manual intervention. Additionally, test automation and QA practices carried out at every development phase allows the developers to exercise more authority through a powerful, tested process in place. According to a study conducted in 2015, many top-performing companies experienced around 168 times faster recovery from failure and 60 times lesser failure. These businesses also deployed software and applications 30 times more often and 200 times shortened lead time. Apparently, the organizations in the survey had employed the DevOps technology and were successfully able to regulate continuous delivery to their system. Hence, based on recent surveys and results, we can safely conclude that through reliable automation, enterprises can create, package, and deploy with added convenience and precision; lessen the lead time, and acquire a better mean time to recovery with lower downtimes and failure rates.

Improved team collaboration

You cannot call it a true DevOps technology if it doesn’t merge with your organizational culture. In typical IT environments, both the operations and development teams are mostly limited in implementing their respective tasks. This is where the DevOps processes successfully bridge the gap between the processes of both the teams and encourage each to understand the other’s workflow. In doing so, the teams are empowered in acknowledging the complete end-to-end process and work towards improvements. For instance, the dev personnel start comprehending the ops jobs, and vice versa. DevOps focuses on the core Lean principles for incorporating a culture of constant learning and development in the organization. Furthermore, as both the operations and development team land on the same page and share a bigger business objective, the satisfaction levels are also improved. As per various DevOps consulting services, working in an isolated environment is not preferred as it creates a sense of unpleasantness and misconceptions between different departments with almost negligible transparency in sharing of information.

Reduced influence of complexity on software development

In some cases, the software or application build quality is often hit due to the complexity level of projects and their requirements. It might not seem much, but at times the smallest software glitches can throw the biggest impact, hence, proving to be almost suicidal for the entire build. However, DevOps mitigates the risk by encouraging teams to acquire more control by managing shorter components of the application. The point is to make it simpler to verify the interfaces and runtime dependencies through an automated process. DevOps ensures that the configured environment clearly supports all constituents including the build and deployment parts themselves.


Learners after pursuing quality, updated DevOps certifications can become capable of bringing a comprehensive growth for database management in terms of software quality and culture in their organization. In addition to that, users also need to keep educating themselves with the trendiest tools and technology in the IT sector and learn how to extract the best out of their company’s IT infrastructure.

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