Cisco certification exam success

Nowadays, the employment of college students is not easy. And the certification of IT is also very important for other low-educated people. I am a secondary school student. I am studying computer science. I am very interested in Cisco certification. I have also studied for more than a year and have some understanding of the network. However, because I don’t pay much attention to English at school, some topics don’t quite understand. Chinese topics can be answered. Others say I have to learn English textbooks from Cisco, and I have already finished CCNA Chinese textbooks. How can I get CCNA certification as soon as possible? Do you have to learn from scratch? Please take your time in your busy schedule. Time helps me think about any good way. Thank you!

Fanggua: The experience of the winners is undoubtedly very important to us because they not only know the road to success, but also experience failures and know which roads are not going to work. These experiences are good for the latecomers. Reference value. Friends who have already passed CCNA are very willing to share their experiences and share with you. Fanggua collected some tips and sorted them out, hoping to help friends who are preparing for CCNA.

One winner:

Exam questions are not difficult, mainly to understand the various knowledge points, understand that you will feel very relaxed after the exam.

Choosing materials is very important to the success of the exam. If you attend the training, it may not be a problem. If you are self-study, it is very important. Need to get the official information of cisco press, you need to collect a wide range, to understand that the CISCO exam is still very broad.

Learning the learning process should pay attention to methods, and more importantly, it requires perseverance. If you have relevant work experience, you may learn a little easier. Otherwise, you need to work harder.

The exam is to test your study and is also the most critical. You need to adjust your status. Be confident in the exam, never give up until the last question. You will definitely encounter things that you are not familiar with or even have never touched during the exam. Don't be nervous. Because you don't want to take a full score, it's important to test every topic you know. If you don't know what you know, because you don't know what's wrong, then the consequences will not be foreseen.

With regard to the exam simulation questions, after fully grasping the basic knowledge of the certification exam, the simulation questions can only help review the knowledge points in a random manner.

Winner 2:

CISCO's textbooks are the best and most authoritative. The textbook for the exam is subject to CISCO. The book must be carefully read, and there must be no luck. The concept should be clear, ‘everything changes!’ The problem is no strange, and it will not deviate from the principle. Look at the original CISCO book, if the network foundation is good, don't read the Chinese version of the book.

Each of the options out of cisco is easy to be vague and uncertain. If it is not very clear on the concept, such as some details, it is easy to think that every option makes sense, and it is not easy to choose. Therefore, we must pay full attention to the key concepts and details mentioned in the textbooks when preparing. In the choice, we must have confidence in our own memories, and do not arbitrarily change our first choice. The other point is ios operation. The commands will be listed to let you choose. It is easier to choose some habitual syntax and general parameter order of the ios command. The last point is that you can't go back after the exam, that is, you can't look back after the end of a question. Therefore, it is necessary to read the problem and read the problem. The characteristic of the concept is that the scene he describes is not the key to the problem. The key point is the actual test of the problem. He will not tell you in a clear language. He is about to be left and right, but to choose the right answer, you have to see at a glance the key concepts that it actually designed. The entire exam time is very abundant, 65 minutes of 105 questions, usually 40-50 minutes can be completed, but still that sentence, carefully carefully.

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