Two steps to help you become a network expert
Taking the certification exam is the only way for quite a few people to seek professional development. But the certificates on the market are so numerous, which one should you attend? Based on his own understanding and experience, the author of this paper has made a five-step plan for the certification of people who are interested in the development of network management and design, which is of great significance to you.
Step 1: Get CCNP as a senior network expert
At this time, Microsoft's MCSE exam may have been upgraded, if you like, you can use 3 to 6 months to upgrade this exam. At the same time, if you need to work, it is better to take the MCSD (Microsoft Certified Development Specialist) or MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator). If your work environment is satisfactory, you don't plan to quit in a short time, you can also ignore this upgrade exam. The next thing to consider is Cisco's CCNP (Cisco Certified Senior Network Support Engineer) exam. Preparation time is 12 to 24 months, and There must be practical work experience.
CCNP needs to pass more examination subjects and the difficulty is increased a lot. You need to study carefully and experiment carefully. Although we do not recommend the test method for back exam questions, it is helpful to read some exam questions before the exam. You have to take this certificate to choose a more challenging position, you can enrich each of your experiments and enrich your knowledge and skills after you have obtained a certificate and a new working environment. Of course, if you have no experience with CCNA, even If you rely on back-test questions, it is not very useful for you to find a CCNP certificate by looking for someone to take the exam. Because you are not qualified for CCNP work at all.
Step 1: Sprint CCIE has no future
Below you need to sprint the highest certification in the network world, Cisco's CCIE (Cisco Certified Internet Expert).
Looking back, you will find that 3 to 5 years have passed, and the ups and downs of certification are worthy of recollection, but the improvement of personal skills brings you more fun in the learning process. While studying the CCIE tutorial, you may also Want to learn Novell's MasterCNE course at the same time, and take this certification to make an embellishment (hehe, it's easy to say, this certification is also very difficult for ordinary people, but you are already CCNP, maybe I don't think so As this working exam changes AS/400, Unix, Windows NT and other aspects. It is of great help to the integration and balance of knowledge. As the working environment changes, I believe that Sun's operating system will also be in contact with With the increasing familiarity with the above systems, if time and energy permit, you can also consider Sun's CSA and CNA certification. If you have time and energy, you can get the Unix and IBM AS/400 related certifications, which wi Ll help you in your work.
In fact, by this time, your network knowledge and skills are already very rich, and you are an expert in the industry. If you are interested, you can even consider publishing a monograph on the Internet. Look through the materials you used to get The certificate, which is written by someone like this.
The CCIE certificate is considered to be the top passport for the global network industry, and Cisco has recently increased the difficulty of the exam to limit the number of CCIEs. If your goal is to dedicate yourself to the network technology industry, then work hard without Regrets!"
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Step 1: Get CCNP as a senior network expert
At this time, Microsoft's MCSE exam may have been upgraded, if you like, you can use 3 to 6 months to upgrade this exam. At the same time, if you need to work, it is better to take the MCSD (Microsoft Certified Development Specialist) or MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator). If your work environment is satisfactory, you don't plan to quit in a short time, you can also ignore this upgrade exam. The next thing to consider is Cisco's CCNP (Cisco Certified Senior Network Support Engineer) exam. Preparation time is 12 to 24 months, and There must be practical work experience.
CCNP needs to pass more examination subjects and the difficulty is increased a lot. You need to study carefully and experiment carefully. Although we do not recommend the test method for back exam questions, it is helpful to read some exam questions before the exam. You have to take this certificate to choose a more challenging position, you can enrich each of your experiments and enrich your knowledge and skills after you have obtained a certificate and a new working environment. Of course, if you have no experience with CCNA, even If you rely on back-test questions, it is not very useful for you to find a CCNP certificate by looking for someone to take the exam. Because you are not qualified for CCNP work at all.
Step 1: Sprint CCIE has no future
Below you need to sprint the highest certification in the network world, Cisco's CCIE (Cisco Certified Internet Expert).
Looking back, you will find that 3 to 5 years have passed, and the ups and downs of certification are worthy of recollection, but the improvement of personal skills brings you more fun in the learning process. While studying the CCIE tutorial, you may also Want to learn Novell's MasterCNE course at the same time, and take this certification to make an embellishment (hehe, it's easy to say, this certification is also very difficult for ordinary people, but you are already CCNP, maybe I don't think so As this working exam changes AS/400, Unix, Windows NT and other aspects. It is of great help to the integration and balance of knowledge. As the working environment changes, I believe that Sun's operating system will also be in contact with With the increasing familiarity with the above systems, if time and energy permit, you can also consider Sun's CSA and CNA certification. If you have time and energy, you can get the Unix and IBM AS/400 related certifications, which wi Ll help you in your work.
In fact, by this time, your network knowledge and skills are already very rich, and you are an expert in the industry. If you are interested, you can even consider publishing a monograph on the Internet. Look through the materials you used to get The certificate, which is written by someone like this.
The CCIE certificate is considered to be the top passport for the global network industry, and Cisco has recently increased the difficulty of the exam to limit the number of CCIEs. If your goal is to dedicate yourself to the network technology industry, then work hard without Regrets!"
Well, if you prepare the ccie dc exam. you had better review the ccie collaboration 400 051 exam dumps that will help you passed exam successfully. I will also recommend the ccnp collaboration 300 070 dumps that usefully.