How much is Microsoft Mos Certified Expert Level more professional than Professional?

Professional level to check entry level knowledge. Very simple, in the middle school or freshman to learn Office, you can easily get the MOS professional exam.
Take Excel as an example, it examines:
• Create a new workbook, open a workbook,
• Cell fills (fill handles, auto fills, sequence fills), format cells (fonts, font sizes, borders, fills...), merge cells, hide rows,
• Page setup (page preview, set margins, headers, footers), print worksheets,
• Create a worksheet, move a copy to delete a worksheet, modify the color of a worksheet label,
• Create formulas, a dozen simple functions, relative references, absolute references, named regions,
• Create charts, basic chart format settings,
• Data filtering, data sorting, simplest conditional formatting, shared workbooks, and more.
Expert-level examination of intermediate and advanced knowledge, which may not be learned in school, but is often used in the workplace. However, the questions are still very simple, and they are all straightforward.
Still take Excel as an example. It examines:
• Save a workbook as a template, merge data from workbooks that originate from the same template, compare different workbooks and merge changes, set workbook properties, share workbooks, and track changes
• Export worksheets to external data formats, import data from external data sources into worksheets, and analyze,
• Protect worksheets, lock and unlock cells, specify allow editing areas, protect workbooks, add passwords,
• Application of advanced formulas, logic functions (AND, OR, NOT), query functions (such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH), conditional functions (IF, SUMIF, SUMIFS, AVERAGEIF, AVERAGEIFS, COUNTIF, COUNTIFS), array formulas and Array functions (such as FREQUENT), formula tracking, formula checking, cell monitoring,
• Application of advanced conditional format, using conditional control conditional format
• Advanced applications for charts, chart templates, trend lines, dual-axis charts,
• PivotTable, PivotChart,
• What-if analysis, simulation table, merge calculation, univariate solution,
• Macros, controls.
My suggestion is that you can test the expert level and you should not take the professional level.
First of all, the knowledge examined by the expert examination is more practical in the workplace.
Second, you pass the expert exam and you will get the title of "Microsoft Certified Professional".
Third, if you do not get MOS Word or MOS Excel expert certification, you can not get MOS master certification.

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