The dazzling value of VMware VCP certification
The VMware Certified Professional (VCP) exam is not the easiest exam in the world, and it is by no means the hardest (the most difficult certification exams are Cisco, Citrix or RedHat? There are still many differences), but he is becoming the most popular. Enterprise-level certification. Since I am preparing for the exam, I have no authority to comment on this, but I have participated in many CBTs. It is said that this CBT is very similar to the exam questions, so I think I should try it, even though I only participated in VMware's VCP course. The question is: Why is VCP so highly respected?
Because virtualization is currently the hottest emerging technology in the world, and this heat may last a long time. Citrix is like a darling of Wall Street living overseas, filling the gaps in the application of remote access, and has recently further improved its product line and expanded its business. Most interestingly, with Citrix's acquisition of Xensource, Citrix and VMware entered a stage of full competition in the virtualization market, Citrix always provides a complete certification program (perhaps we will see some new certifications, such as CCXA – Citrix Certified Xen administrator or CCVA – Citrix Certified Virtualization Administrator). VMware, like Citrix, was originally thought to have only one product, ESX, and has now expanded its product line to ensure that new product additions and seamless integration of the main products make VMware a popular acceptance among users everywhere. Of course, another characterization of VMware's popularity is the number of VMware users: VMware said that the Fortune 100 companies are all VMware users, and there are 20,000 enterprise users, so enviable in such a short period of time. The performance is very shocking.
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Because virtualization is currently the hottest emerging technology in the world, and this heat may last a long time. Citrix is like a darling of Wall Street living overseas, filling the gaps in the application of remote access, and has recently further improved its product line and expanded its business. Most interestingly, with Citrix's acquisition of Xensource, Citrix and VMware entered a stage of full competition in the virtualization market, Citrix always provides a complete certification program (perhaps we will see some new certifications, such as CCXA – Citrix Certified Xen administrator or CCVA – Citrix Certified Virtualization Administrator). VMware, like Citrix, was originally thought to have only one product, ESX, and has now expanded its product line to ensure that new product additions and seamless integration of the main products make VMware a popular acceptance among users everywhere. Of course, another characterization of VMware's popularity is the number of VMware users: VMware said that the Fortune 100 companies are all VMware users, and there are 20,000 enterprise users, so enviable in such a short period of time. The performance is very shocking.
Well, if you prepare the ccie dc exam. you had better review the vmware 2v0 620 dumps that will help you passed exam successfully. I will also recommend the vmware 2v0 621 dumps that usefully.